
WHAT IS MisterI?

MisterI (Mr. I) is a powerful and modular medical image viewer/editor. It should be particularly useful to Undergraduates, Postdocs and Researchers in Medical Imaging to visualize data and to easily make attractive figures (for papers or presentations). It will also in a near future offer a number of advanced algorithms for medical image processing.
Major new release!
Version 0.3.0 (08/2017)
Windows 7/8/10, MacOS >=10.9, Linux CentOS/Redhat/Fedora/Ubuntu/Debian

Some of the core features of MisterI include (look at the video to get a better idea!):

Multi-platform application
Multiple and linkable viewers

Generic group system mechanism to link the cursor position, the color maps, the window/level, etc...

Useful to render images with the same window/level, same size, same slice, etc.

Generic multi-layers system

Superposition of an unlimited number of layers of various types: scalar images, multiple tensor images, vector fields, meshes, etc...

Unlike most available viewers, there is no limit in the number of layers. You can load multiple images of tensors to visualize multi-tensor data if you want too.

Generic support of tools/filters.

Unified way to implement tools (inputs/parameters, outputs).

Any developper will be able to integrate their own tools as plugins : MRI segmentation, tensor estimation, image operations, ... Full SDK and source to come.

Extremely modular design

Developped upon a minimal internal core, with all the functionalities externalized via a generic plugin system.

The core is heavily based on abstract classes implemented in plugins. For example, the core itself does not know any data type, how to render layers, etc... This is all implemented in external plugins. Any developper can add their own renderers, file format, etc...

Multiple File formats Compatibility

Plugins are already available to read multiple file formats (nrrd, nhdr, nii, nii.gz, mhd, mha, mgh, mgz, mgh.gz, hdr/img, vtk, vtp).

More Data I/O plugins to come!
Multiple Data Type Renderers

A number of plugins are already provided to render data.

Currently available renderers: 3-D/4-D orthogonal scalar volume slices (convenient for fMRI/DWI), RGB, Tensor field, Vector field, Mesh, preliminary volumic renderer.

More Renderers plugins to come!
Integrated auto-update feature.

MisterI automatically downloads and installs updates 'on-the-fly', for all plugins.




I am currently an Instructor at the Computational Radiology Laboratory at Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School.

I started to develop MisterI as a side project during my PhD thesis. I couldn't find any viewer that suits my needs to make images for my papers, and decided to do my own. Since then, the whole project was restarted from scratch at least twice, gaining more and more in modularity. MisterI has now more than 180 000 lines of highly documented code (not yet available but it will be).

MisterI is currently in early alpha stage. A large number of features will be added in the future.


MisterI is NOT a FreeWare but a CARDWARE.
If you enjoy the software, you shall send me a nice postcard of the place where you live.

Please do it! It's a very nice way to reward for the work done.

Later in the year, the full source code of MisterI and its Software Development Kit (SDK) will be released with the LPGL-Cardware license.

Your postcard should be sent at:

Benoit Scherrer
Boston Children's Hospital, Department of Radiology, Wolbach 215
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115


Please don't hesitate to give some feedbacks and/or feature requests!

You can contact me at: benoitscherrer at gmail dot com

(c) Benoit Scherrer, 2013