
Assistant Professor in Radiology
at Harvard Medical School.

Boston Children's Hospital
300 Longwood Avenue
Radiology at LC BCH3429
Boston MA 02115


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I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Computational Radiology Laboratory at Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School.

My research goal is to develop novel medical imaging technologies to improve our understanding of the brain and particularly of brain changes in disease and injuries. My research is driven by the motivation to overcome the current limitations of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) to enable fast high spatial resolution characterization of brain tissues in routine clinical practice. To do so, I focus on jointly considering the image acquisition process and processing, with the goal of combining both image acquisition advances and novel analysis methods.

I completed an engineering degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science in Toulouse University (France), a MS degree in Image Analysis, Vision and Robotics from the Grenoble University (France) and received my Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Grenoble University in December 2008. During my Ph.D., I focused on anatomical MRI analysis and, more precisely, on brain image segmentation. An important contribution developed in my thesis was the formulation of the notion of ‘collaborative computing’ in a unified and theoretically sound Bayesian framework. This work was awarded by the ``Young Investigator Award’’ at MICCAI’08 in New York and by the ``Best PhD in Applied Mathematics’’ price of INPG Grenoble University in 2009. 

I joined to the Computational Radiology Laboratory (CRL), directed by Dr. Simon K. Warfield in January 2009. I chose to shift my main research focus from anatomic MRI analysis to diffusion-weighted MRI. My research at the CRL has been focusing on novel models to characterize the brain white matter in DW-MRI and on innovative approaches to accelerate the acquisition of DW images and to increase the imaged spatial resolution. My research was awarded by a Trainee Abstract Award at HBM2011, two Magna Cum Laude Merit Award at ISMRM2012 and the Elsevier/MEDIA Best Paper Award 2012.


  • Diffusion MRI, Anatomical MRI
  • Novel MRI acquisitions, Q-space sampling techniques, MRI Physics
  • Tissue microstructure imaging, biophysical modeling, histological validation
  • Medical & Neuroscience Applications, Traumatic Brain Injury, Autism Spectrum Disorder



Powerful Medical Image Viewer.
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LOcal and Cooperative Unified Segmentation (LOCUS)

In most approaches, tissue and subcortical structure segmentations of MR brain scans are handled globally over the entire brain volume through two relatively independent sequential steps. We investigated a fully Bayesian joint model that integrates within a multi-agent framework local tissue and structure segmentations and local... [more]

CUbe and SPhere - Multi-Fiber Model diffusion imaging (CUSP-MFM)

Parametric and non-parametric models have been proposed to represent the diffusion signal, in order to enable the assessment of white matter connectivity. While it has been widely accepted that a single diffusion tensor provides an excellent parametric representation for an individual white matter fiber bundle, the most appropriate... [more]

Super-Resolution in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging.

Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) enables non-invasive investigation and characterization of the white-matter but is strongly limited by the relatively poor resolution achievable. Increasing the resolution in DWI holds out the potential to reveal and investigate novel finer fiber structures not visible with conventional diffusion MRI, and will ... [more]

Histological validation of in-vivo imaging


Early Predictors and Clinical Correlates of Autism in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is a neurocutaneous autosomal dominant disorder involving mutations of the TSC1 or TSC2 genes. It is characterized by the presence of benign tumors throughout the body, including the brain where they are known as cortical tubers. TSC symptoms may take time to develop and vary considerably from ... [more]


Instructor in Radiology Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital


2009-12/2012 Postdoctoral research fellow
Novel diffusion weighted imaging gradient encoding scheme, novel diffusion models and novel approaches to improve the spatial resolution of DW-MRI.
Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital


2009 PhD in Applied Mathmatics and Computer Science
MR brain scan tissus and structures segmentation: local cooperative Markovian agents and Bayesian formulation
INPG Grenoble University, France
2005 M. Sc. Master of Science in Imagery, Vision and Robotics
Distributed Segmentation of MR Brain Scans
ENSIMAG, INPG Grenoble University, France
2004 B.E. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science ENSEEIHT, Toulouse University, France


2016 Cover of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (MRM) (Sept 2016) for the paper (see cover):
Scherrer B, Schwartzman A, Taquet M, Sahin M, Prabhu SP, Warfield SK,  Characterizing brain tissue by assessment of the distribution of anisotropic microstructural environments in diffusion-compartment imaging (DIAMOND),  Magn Reson Med,  76(3),  2016,  963-77,  PMID26362832,  PMC4788987,  NIHMS715838
bibtex doi PubMed PMC Google Scholar Google Scholar Citation
2015 Two Summa Cum Laude Merit Awards at ISMRM2015 for the papers: (second author of the paper)
Jacobs D, Scherrer B, Jankovski A, des Rieux A, Taquet M, Gallez B, Warfield SK, Macq B,  Characterization of the Wallerian Degeneration Process in the Rat Spinal Cord with DIAMOND and NODDI: Comparison with Histological Obervations,  Proc. the 23th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM),  Toronto, Canada,  2015
pdf bibtex
ISMRM Summa Cum Laude Merit Award for Damien Jacobs, first author
Jacobs D, Scherrer B, Jankovski A, des Rieux A, Taquet M, Gallez B, Warfield SK, Macq B,  Longitudinal Characterization of the Wallerian Degeneration Process by a Multi-Compartment Diffusion Model: DIAMOND After a Rhizotomy in the Rat Spinal Cord and Comparison with the Histology,  Proc. the 23th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM),  Toronto, Canada,  2015
pdf bibtex
ISMRM Summa Cum Laude Merit Award for Damien Jacobs, first author
2014 MICCAI Young Investigator Award (second author of the paper)
Taquet M, Scherrer B, Peters JM, Prabhu SP, Warfield SK,  A Fully Bayesian Inference Framework for Population Studies of the Brain Microstructure.,  Proc. of the 17th Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv (MICCAI)(8673),  Boston, USA,  2014,  25-32,  PMID25333097,  PMC4209905,  NIHMS631611
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MICCAI Young Investigator Award for Maxime Taquet, first author
2013 MICCAI Student Travel Award (second author of the paper)
Taquet M, Scherrer B, Boumal N, Macq B, Warfield SK,  Estimation of a Multi-Fascicle Model from Single B-Value Data with a Population-Informed Prior.,  Proc. of the 16th Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv (MICCAI),  8149,  Nagoya, Japan,  2013,  695-702,  PMID24505728,  PMC4029842,  NIHMS565123
bibtex doi PubMed PMC Google Scholar Google Scholar Citation
MICCAI Student Travel Award for Maxime Taquet, first author
2012 Elsevier/MEDIA Best Paper Award 2012
Scherrer B, Gholipour A, Warfield SK,  Super-resolution reconstruction to increase the spatial resolution of diffusion weighted images from orthogonal anisotropic acquisitions,  Med Imag Analysis,  16(7),  2012,  1465-1476,  PMID22770597,  PMC3448812,  NIHMS388656
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Elsevier/MEDIA Best Paper Award 2012 : link, cache
10th MEDIA Hottest Article in 2012 : link, cache

Two Magna Cum Laude Merit Awards at ISMRM 2012 (Melbourne, Australia) for the papers:
Scherrer B, Sahin M, Stamoulis C, Prabhu S, Akhondi-Asl A, Warfield SK,  Globally impaired network of anatomical connectivity in tuberous sclerosis complex patients with autism spectrum disorders,  Proc. the 20th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM),  Melbourne, Australia,  2012
pdf bibtex
ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award
Scherrer B, Gholipour A, Warfield SK,  Increasing the resolution of diffusion-weighted MRI with distortion compensated orthogonal acquisitions and super-resolution reconstruction,  Proc. the 20th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM),  Melbourne, Australia,  2012
pdf bibtex
ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award
IEEE ISBI 2012 Best Paper Award and IEEE ISBI Travel Grant at ISBI
Taquet M, Scherrer B, Benjamin C, Prabhu S, Macq B, Warfield SK,  Interpolating multi-fiber models by Gaussian mixture simplification,  Proc. of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI),  Barcelona, Spain,  2012,  928-931
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IEEE ISBI 2012 Best Paper Award, IEEE ISBI Travel Grant (EN, Draft version)
2011 Trainee Abstract Award at HBM2011 (Quebec, CA):
Scherrer B, Warfield SK,  Selecting the number of fibers in a Multi-Fiber Model from CUbe and SPhere (CUSP) Diffusion Imaging,  Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping Conference (HBM),  Quebec, Canada,  2011
pdf bibtex ppt
Trainee Abstract Award
(EN, Draft version)
2009 Applied Mathematics Best PhD Thesis Price
Grenoble INP [link]
2008 Student paper award at MICCAI 2008 (New York, USA) in the category "Segmentation" for the paper:
Scherrer B, Forbes F, Garbay C, Dojat M,  Fully Bayesian Joint Model for MR Brain Scan Tissue and Structure Segmentation,  Proc. of the 11th Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv (MICCAI),  11(2),  New-York, USA,  2008,  1066-1074,  PMID18982710
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Young Investigator MICCAI Award in the category Segmentation
(EN, Draft version)
2005-2008 Thesis Grant from the French Minister (MENRT Grant)
2007 Third place at the company creation contest organized by "La Maison de l'Entrepreneuriat"

Winner of the company creation contest organized during "les DOCTORIALES"
1996, 97, 98 Final of the national programming contest for people under 21 years old
Three time among the 100 in the final round (First time: younger finalist, 15years old). Best podium: 26th


  • CDMRI'2015, Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI)
  • INTELLMR'2015, Intelligent imaging: Linking MR acquisition and processing
  • WBIR'2014, 6th International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration
  • CDMRI'2014, Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI)
  • CDMRI'2013, Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI)



  • ISBI 2012 (Barcelona, SP). Diffusion Imaging session
  • ISMRM 2011 (Montreal, CA). Advances in Image Analysis session


  • Neuroimage
  • Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
  • Human Brain Mapping
  • IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IEEE TMI))
  • Medical Imaging Analysis (MEDIA)
  • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP)
  • IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (IEEE TBME)
  • Medical Imaging Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)
  • IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)
  • Physics in Medicine and Biology
  • PLOS One
  • Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
  • Journal of Neuroimaging


Scherrer B, Schwartzman A, Taquet M, Sahin M, Prabhu SP, Warfield SK,  Characterizing brain tissue by assessment of the distribution of anisotropic microstructural environments in diffusion-compartment imaging (DIAMOND),  Magn Reson Med,  76(3),  2016,  963-77,  PMID26362832,  PMC4788987,  NIHMS715838
bibtex doi PubMed PMC Google Scholar Google Scholar Citation
Scherrer B, Gholipour A, Warfield SK,  Super-resolution reconstruction to increase the spatial resolution of diffusion weighted images from orthogonal anisotropic acquisitions,  Med Imag Analysis,  16(7),  2012,  1465-1476,  PMID22770597,  PMC3448812,  NIHMS388656
pdf bibtex doi PubMed PMC Google Scholar Google Scholar Citation
Elsevier/MEDIA Best Paper Award 2012 : link, cache
10th MEDIA Hottest Article in 2012 : link, cache
Scherrer B, Warfield SK,  Parametric Representation of Multiple White Matter Fascicles from Cube and Sphere Diffusion MRI,  PLoS ONE,  7(11),  2012,  PMID23189128,  PMC3506641
pdf bibtex doi PubMed PMC Google Scholar Google Scholar Citation
Taquet M, Scherrer B, Commowick O, Peters JM, Sahin M, Macq B, Warfield SK,  A Mathematical Framework for the Registration and Analysis of Multi-Fascicle Models for Population Studies of the Brain Microstructure,  IEEE Trans Med Imaging,  2(33),  2014,  504-17,  PMID24235301,  PMC3984609,  NIHMS559791
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Scherrer B, Afacan O, Taquet M, Prabhu SP, Gholipour A, Warfield SK,  Accelerated High Spatial Resolution Diffusion-Weighted Imaging,  Proc. of the 24th Int Conf Inf Process Med Imaging (IPMI),  LNCS 9123,  Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK,  2015,  69-81,  PMID26167096,  PMC4495974
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LAST PUBLICATIONS (2016-2017)  [Show All]

Scherrer B *, Ferizi U *, Schneider T *, Alipoor M, Eufracio O, Fick R, Deriche R, Nilsson M, Loya-Olivas A, Rivera M, Poot D, Ramirez-Manzanares A, Marroquin J, Rokem A, Potter C, Dougherty R, Sakaie K, Wheeler-Kingshott C, Warfield S, Witzel T, Wald L, Raya J, Alexander D,  Diffusion MRI microstructure models with in vivo human brain Connectom data: results from a multi-group comparison,  NMR in Biomed,  9(30),  2017,  PMID28643354,  PMC5563694,  NIHMS888819
pdf bibtex doi PubMed PMC
* Authors contributed equally (co-first authors)

Eaton-Rosen Z, Scherrer B, Melbourne A, Ourselin S, Neil J, Warfield SK,  Investigating the maturation of microstructure and radial orientation in the preterm human cortex with diffusion MRI,  Neuroimage,  162,  2017,  65-72,  PMID28801253
bibtex doi PubMed
Chamberland M, Scherrer B, Prabhu SP, Madsen J, Fortin D, Whittingstall K, Descoteaux M, Warfield SK,  Active Delineation of Meyer's Loop Using Oriented Priors Through MAGNEtic Tractography (MAGNET),  Hum. Brain Map.,  38(1),  2017,  509-527,  PMID27647682,  PMC5333642
bibtex doi PubMed PMC
Marami B, Mohseni Salehi SS, Afacan O, Scherrer B, Rollins CK, Yang E, Estroff JA, Warfield SK, Gholipour A,  Temporal slice registration and robust diffusion-tensor reconstruction for improved fetal brain structural connectivity analysis,  Neuroimage,  156,  2017,  475-488,  PMID28433624,  PMC5548611
bibtex doi PubMed PMC
Hedouin R, Commowick O, Bannier E, Scherrer B, Taquet M, Warfield SK, Barillot C,  Block-Matching Distortion Correction of Echo-Planar Images With Opposite Phase Encoding Directions,  IEEE Trans. Med. Imag.,  36(5),  2017,  1106-1115,  PMID28092527
bibtex doi PubMed
Marami B, Scherrer B, Afacan O, Erem B, Warfield SK, Gholipour A,  Motion-robust diffusion-weighted brain MRI reconstruction through slice-level registration-based motion tracking,  IEEE Trans. Med. Imag.,  35(10),  2016,  2258-2269,  PMID27834639,  PMC5108524,  NIHMS823359
bibtex doi PubMed PMC
Scherrer B, Schwartzman A, Taquet M, Sahin M, Prabhu SP, Warfield SK,  Characterizing brain tissue by assessment of the distribution of anisotropic microstructural environments in diffusion-compartment imaging (DIAMOND),  Magn Reson Med,  76(3),  2016,  963-77,  PMID26362832,  PMC4788987,  NIHMS715838
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[All Publications]