Scherrer B, Afacan O, Taquet M, Prabhu SP, Gholipour A, Warfield SK,
Accelerated High Spatial Resolution Diffusion-Weighted Imaging,
Proc. of the 24th Int Conf Inf Process Med Imaging (IPMI),
LNCS 9123,
Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK,
Scherrer B, Gholipour A, Afacan O, Prabhu SP, Warfield SK,
Accelerated Motion-Robust Non-Cartesian Multi-Shot Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Reconstruction in the Image Space,
Proc. the 23th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM),
Toronto, Canada,
Scherrer B, Gholipour A, Warfield SK, Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Diffusion-Weighted Images from Distortion Compensated Orthogonal Anisotropic Acquisitions, Proc. of the 12th IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA), Breckenridge, USA, 2012, 249-256
Scherrer B, Gholipour A, Warfield SK, Increasing the resolution of diffusion-weighted MRI with distortion compensated orthogonal acquisitions and super-resolution reconstruction, Proc. the 20th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Melbourne, Australia, 2012
ISMRM Magna Cum Laude Merit Award
Scherrer B, Gholipour A, Warfield SK, Super-Resolution in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging, Proc. of the 14th Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv (MICCAI), 14(2), Toronto, Canada, 2011, 124-132, PMID21995021, PMC3687082, NIHMS475056
Gholipour A, Kehtarnavaz N, Scherrer B, Warfield SK, On the Accuracy of Unwarping Techniques for the Correction of Susceptibility-Induced Geometric Distortion in Magnetic Resonance Echo-Planar Images, Proc. of the 33rd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Boston, USA, 2011, PMID22255949, PMC3675776, NIHMS478435