Scherrer B, Warfield SK,
Accurate estimation of a multiple fascicle model is enabled by manipulation of gradient strength in a two-shell HARDI to achieve low TE,
Proc. the 21th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM),
Salt Lake City, USA,
Scherrer B, Warfield SK,
Characterizing Complex White Matter Structure from Cube and Sphere Diffusion Imaging with a Multi-Fiber Model (CUSP-MFM),
Proc. the 19th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM),
Montreal, Canada,
(EN, Draft version)
Scherrer B, Warfield SK, Optimal HARDI acquisition schemes for multi-tensor models, Proc. the 18th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Stockholm, Sweden, 2010

(EN, Draft version)
Scherrer B, Warfield SK, Why multiple b-values are required for multi-tensor models. Evaluation with a constrained log-Euclidean model, Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2010, 1389-1392

(EN, Draft version)
Acquisition - Other:
Scherrer B, Afacan O, Stamm A, Singh J, Warfield SK, Optimized magnetic resonance diffusion protocol for ex-vivo whole human brain imaging with a clinical scanner., Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Orlando, USA, 2015

Afacan O, Gholipour A, Scherrer B, Warfield SK, Motion Detection for Diffusion Weighted MRI Using EPI Phase Correction Lines, Proc. the 21th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Salt Lake City, USA, 2013

Gholipour A, Kehtarnavaz N, Scherrer B, Warfield SK, On the Accuracy of Unwarping Techniques for the Correction of Susceptibility-Induced Geometric Distortion in Magnetic Resonance Echo-Planar Images, Proc. of the 33rd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Boston, USA, 2011, PMID22255949, PMC3675776, NIHMS478435

Diffusion Modeling:
Scherrer B, Warfield SK, Parametric Representation of Multiple White Matter Fascicles from Cube and Sphere Diffusion MRI, PLoS ONE, 7(11), 2012, PMID23189128, PMC3506641

Scherrer B, Schwartzman A, Taquet M, Prabhu SP, Sahin M, Akhondi-Asl A, Warfield SK, Characterizing the DIstribution of Anisotropic MicrO-structural eNvironments with Diffusion-weighted imaging (DIAMOND)., Proc. of the 16th Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv (MICCAI)(8151), Nagoya, Japan, 2013, 518-526, PMID24505801, PMC4029840, NIHMS565120

Scherrer B, Taquet M, Afacan O, Warfield SK, Does the signal arising from a single fascicle significantly deviates from a monoexponential decay with a clinical scanner?, Proc. the 21th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Salt Lake City, USA, 2013

Scherrer B, Warfield SK, Toward an accurate multi-fiber assessment strategy for clinical practice, Proc. of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Chicago, USA, 2011, 2140-2143

(EN, Draft version)
Model order selection:
Scherrer B *, Taquet M *, Warfield SK, Reliable Selection of the Number of Fascicles in Diffusion Images by Estimation of the Generalization Error, Proc. of the 23rd Int Conf Inf Process Med Imaging (IPMI), LNCS 7917, Asilomar, USA, 2013, 742--753, PMID24684014, PMC4138217, NIHMS607786

* Authors contributed equally
Scherrer B, Warfield SK, Selecting the number of fibers in a Multi-Fiber Model from CUbe and SPhere (CUSP) Diffusion Imaging, Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping Conference (HBM), Quebec, Canada, 2011

Trainee Abstract Award
(EN, Draft version)
Diffusion models analysis:
Scherrer B, Schwartzman A, Taquet M, Sahin M, Prabhu SP, Warfield SK, Characterizing brain tissue by assessment of the distribution of anisotropic microstructural environments in diffusion-compartment imaging (DIAMOND), Magn Reson Med, 76(3), 2016, 963-77, PMID26362832, PMC4788987, NIHMS715838

Taquet M, Scherrer B, Peters JM, Prabhu SP, Warfield SK, A Fully Bayesian Inference Framework for Population Studies of the Brain Microstructure., Proc. of the 17th Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv (MICCAI)(8673), Boston, USA, 2014, 25-32, PMID25333097, PMC4209905, NIHMS631611

MICCAI Young Investigator Award for Maxime Taquet, first author
Taquet M, Scherrer B, Boumal N, Macq B, Warfield SK, Estimation of a Multi-Fascicle Model from Single B-Value Data with a Population-Informed Prior., Proc. of the 16th Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv (MICCAI), 8149, Nagoya, Japan, 2013, 695-702, PMID24505728, PMC4029842, NIHMS565123

MICCAI Student Travel Award for Maxime Taquet, first author
Taquet M, Scherrer B, Macq B, Warfield SK, Multi-Fascicle Model Reconstruction from Acquisitions of DWI at a Single B-Value with a Population-Informed Prior, Proc. the 21th International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Salt Lake City, USA, 2013

Taquet M, Scherrer B, Benjamin C, Prabhu S, Macq B, Warfield SK, Interpolating multi-fiber models by Gaussian mixture simplification, Proc. of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Barcelona, Spain, 2012, 928-931

IEEE ISBI 2012 Best Paper Award, IEEE ISBI Travel Grant (EN, Draft version)